Mirjam Zumstein


2014: "Codex Turicensis. The journey of Daniel the artist of words through five cities." Commented, translated and edited by M. Zumstein & F. Maag. Zürich: Pokušaju Pero. download book

2013: "Paradigmatische Asymmetrie im altkirchenslavischen Passivparadigma" (Paradigmatic asymmetry in the OCS passive paradigm). In: JournaLIPP, No. 2, 83-108.

2012: "Syntaktische Aktionalitätsmarkierung im altkirchenslavischen analytischen Passiv – Bemerkungen zur Wortfolge" (Syntactic marking of dynamicity in the OCS analytic passive: Remarks on word order). In: Björn Hansen (ed.). Diachrone Aspekte slavischer Sprachen (= Slavolinguistica 16). München-Berlin: Verlag Otto Sagner, 259-269.

2010: "Abgrenzung von Passiv und Rezessiv (Antikausativ) im Russischen". In: Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, Vol. 67, No. 1, 163-184. download draft


2016: "Die Zierschrift Vjaz’: wenn graphische Kunst den Zugang zum Text versperrt". Invited by the Center for Russian Studies (Russlandzentrum), University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, December 13, 2016

2015: "Tidying up grammar: Word order in OCS periphrastic passives – foreign, native or both?" Talk given at the SLE 2015 (48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea), Leiden, September 2-5, 2015

2015: "Potential relative pronouns & related problems." Talk given at the Slavic Corpus Linguistics: The Historical Dimension, Tromsø, April 21-22, 2015

2014: "Различия в порядке слов результативных и пассивных конструкций старославянского языка (на материале Мариинского ев. и Супрасльской рукописи)" (Word order differences in OCS resultative and passive constructions). Talk given at the XLIII Международной филологической конференции, Филологический факультет Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета (43rd International Philological Conference, Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University), 11-16 March, Saint Petersburg

2013: "Fixation of word order in Old Church Slavonic resultative constructions – a language contact phenomenon?" Talk given at the Diachronic Slavonic Syntax: Language Contact vs. Internal Factors, 11-12 October, Novi Sad

2012: "The importance of word order in OCS passive structures". Talk given at the 16th POLYSLAV conference, 5-7 September, Zurich

2012: "Парадигматическая асимметрия старославянского пассива на материале Мариинского евангелия" (The paradigmatic asymmetry of the OCS passive – on the material of the Codex Marianus). Talk given at the XLI Международной филологической конференции, Филологический факультет Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета (41st International Philological Conference, Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University), 26-31 March, Saint Petersburg

2012: "Выбор вида в императиве и «эффект грубости»" (The aspect choice in the imperative and the «rudeness effect»). Talk given at the XLI Международной филологической конференции, Филологический факультет Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета (41st International Philological Conference, Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University), 26-31 March, Saint Petersburg

2012: "Das aktionale Passiv im Russischen: ein 'Opfer' verschiedener Grammatikalisierungsprozesse?" (The dynamic passive in Russian: a victim of various grammaticalization processes?). Talk given at the 34th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS): Language as a Complex System, 6-9 March 2012, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main download presentation

2011: "Distribution des reflexiven und analytischen Passivs im Altkirchenslavischen" (Distribution of the reflexive and analytic passive in OCS). Talk given at the 15th LIPP symposium, Language Change, 13-15 July, Munich

2009: "Passiv und Antikausativ im Russischen" (Passive and Anticausative in Russian). Talk given at the XVIII. JungslavistInnen-Treffen, 17-19 October, Regensburg


2010: "Aspektgebrauch im Imperativ und Höflichkeit" (Seminar paper) download
Page maintained by Mirjam Zumstein
Last modified 8 January 2017. Content last updated 8 January 2017.